"The year 1666 was catastrophic for London and St Paul’s Cathedral.
On Tuesday 4 September, a combination of factors caused the building to burn with great ferocity. The catastrophic blaze consumed the cathedral which had stood at the heart of London life for over five hundred years. Tens of thousands around the city were made homeless.
As smoke rose from the ruins, Londoners considered how to rebuild their city – and bring their cathedral back to use. Designs were submitted and Christopher Wren emerged as the man to help St Paul’s rise like a phoenix from the devastation" – St Paul’s Cathedral
Posted by aquanandy on 2016-09-05 06:28:22
Tagged: , London , LOndonist , longexposure , Stpauls , Cathedral , MilleniumBridge , NIght , photographer , NikonD7000 , NIkon , Photography , Timeout , timeoutlondon , visitlondon , VisitBritain , Reflection , Colours , Beautiful , Follow , Followifyoulike